• Production and Warehouse

Field Report

Production Foreman

Karol has been with LEONI since 2014, starting as a Machine Operator and advancing to oversee production monitoring and employee training.

My story at LEONI

My name is Karol, and I have been working at LEONI since October 2014. I started as a production machine operator in the extruders department. Initially, I underwent a three-month training period with a senior operator who familiarized me with machine operation, the extrusion process, and quality standards.

After successfully passing the production machine operator exam, I began operating the E22 machine, which now produces non-PVC cables much more efficiently compared to when I first started.

Over the subsequent years, I became proficient in operating various extrusion machines and eventually earned the position of an expert in the extruder hall. Through exposure to new machines and processes, I accumulated valuable experience that proved beneficial in later stages of my career at LEONI.

I actively participated in KAIZEN projects aimed at improving machine efficiency and identifying faults to enhance working conditions.

In 2019, I was presented with the opportunity to assume the role of production foreman in the extrusion hall, a responsibility I take great pride in. This position allows me to continue learning, gain further experience, and address production-related challenges as they arise.       

My job

Start of the day

As we operate in three shifts (Monday through Saturday), my work schedule varies, spanning from 6:00 AM to 2:00 PM, 2:00 PM to 10:00 PM, or 10:00 PM to 6:00 AM.

I make it a point to arrive at least 30 minutes before my shift begins. For instance, during the 6:00 AM shift, I'm present by 5:30 AM to take over from the previous shift and engage in discussions with my colleagues. These conversations are crucial for sharing important information regarding shift progress, health and safety protocols, as well as quality and production updates.

After assuming responsibility for the shift, I conduct a thorough tour of the hall, visiting each machine and interacting with every operator. Maintaining a positive rapport with the members of my team is a priority for me. I endeavor to exchange pleasantries with each operator, fostering a familial atmosphere within our brigade.

Following the completion of my rounds, where I ensure the machines are operational and employees are present, I return to the office to review and respond to emails, check my daily tasks, and provide the shift manager with a report on the hall's status.

Subsequently, the shift manager and I collaborate to allocate tasks, after which we commence our duties for the day.


At the fixed time of 8:40 a.m., the morning GEMBA begins – where we meet with the shift manager, department manager, and team leader, along with representatives from the quality department, planning department, maintenance department, and production engineers. During this session, we discuss the events of the previous day, review results, address any failures, and discuss production-related problems.

Following the GEMBA meeting, I routinely conduct a tour of the designated machines to ensure adherence to the 5S principles, assess quality standards, and identify any potential defects on the machines. This proactive approach allows us to maintain a high level of efficiency and address any issues promptly to ensure smooth operations.


In the later hours of the shift, my focus primarily shifts to the hall, where I remain actively engaged in operations. Periodically, I return to the office to check my email and provide updates on tasks assigned to me. On the shop floor, I offer support to operators whenever issues arise with the machines. This may involve troubleshooting problems, providing guidance to operators, and if necessary, directly intervening to resolve issues by working on the machines myself.

Additionally, I contribute to planned projects initiated by the department manager or team leader. This may involve collaborating with production engineers to provide assistance as needed. My role encompasses a variety of responsibilities aimed at ensuring the smooth functioning of operations and addressing any challenges that may arise during the shift.. 

End of Day

At the end of the shift, I fill out a production report and write emails about the past shift. Before the end of the shift, we hand over the shift to the next production manager and foreman.

My highlights

There were certainly at least three such moments:

  1. When I secured 3rd place in a contest about storytelling and presenting my hobby/passion. Not only did I showcase what I love to do, but I also received a cash prize from the LKP board.
  2. When I was offered a promotion to production foreman. To this day, I'm proud of it, and I strive not to disappoint.
  3. At the Great Orchestra of Christmas Charity organized by LEONI, I donated three items to the auction, for which a large amount of money was collected for charity purposes from the auction.

My view of LEONI as an employer

I work at LEONI because it's conveniently close to home - I can get there by car in just 10 minutes. Moreover, I enjoy this job because there's always something happening; it's never boring or monotonous. Each day brings something different, and I have the opportunity to learn something new every day. There are genuinely interesting people working here, and I relish collaborating with them.

At LEONI, I prioritize people above all else because it's their presence that motivates me to work, assist, and seek solutions to production-related challenges. The atmosphere is very positive, and I'm familiar with most of my colleagues working at LEONI, and I believe they recognize me as well. As evident from my introduction, anyone willing to work hard and contribute to the company's development will eventually be noticed and given opportunities to grow.

I find that there's a warm family atmosphere within my team. During various celebrations such as birthdays and weddings, we bring sweets to share at work, and we often gather after work. We assist each other both during work hours and in our everyday lives outside of work.

Furthermore, the company organizes various picnics, festivals, and other engaging events to foster camaraderie among employees and enhance their overall work experience.

LEONI in 3 words? Challenge, Development, Experience

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